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Supporting self-directed learning online


This is a really short blog, but something I felt would be useful for a wide range of academic colleagues who are tirelessly preparing for online and/or blended learning next academic year.

A few weeks ago I put together a template for my own module, which helped me structure the various types of learning activities which will be taking place. This is designed to be included within my module handbooks in the new academic year, to support students in their self-directed learning activities. I have received some really positive from many colleagues already on this (some of whom have adapted it for their own modules), so I thought I would share it wider.

This is the general overview of what it looks like:

As you can see, it outlines the various types of activities which form the weekly cycle of learning for the module. I also represent this visually as such using symbols to signpost:

I have developed some blank templates along these lines so those of you who wish do similar for your own modules or courses can do so. You can access them here. I do hope you also find them useful!

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