Building a Career in Cyberpsychology
Are you fascinated by cyberpsychology? Have you ever wondered how you could make a successful career using cyberpsychology?! Building a Career in Cyberpsychology introduces you to the various ways that cyberpsychology can be applied to different types of careers. From consumer insights, to cyber-defence, to digital strategy, this book will give you a glimpse into how cyberpsychology can underpin issues, challenges and opportunities in these contexts. At the heart of all these careers, is a critical understanding about how human factors can be understood and applied within digitally-mediated environments.
Cyberpsychology pioneer Professor Linda K. Kaye, will introduce you to the fascinating field of cyberpsychology, and how our interactions with technology and the online world can help us understand the digitally-connected human experience . Moving from this, each chapter will give you a walk-through of different types of cyberpsychologically-informed careers. This book will help you better understand ways in which the digitally-connected human experience is fundamental to helping us flourish in a 21st century digitalised society.

Resources will be added here nearer to the publication of the book (expected Spring 2026)